

High school and home schooled students may enroll in Delaware Tech courses with permission from their parents. 为了确保高中生准备在大学阶段取得成功, students must provide evidence of college readiness through the means approved by Delaware Tech prior to registration.

准备好开始了? 报名参加大学课程很简单.

1. 了解更多

Connect with our academic counselors to learn more about opportunities to earn college credit while still in high school and complete the steps to become a visiting high school student.

有关成为访问特拉华理工高中学生的更多信息, 请联系你所在地区的辅导员:


(302) 857-1790


(302) 259-6078


(302) 453-3790


(302) 830-5259

2. 应用

我们的学术顾问可以在这个过程中帮助你. 你需要 申请学院 using our online application system if you wish to take classes that are not offered through your high school dual enrollment program:

  • 选择“select only courses-campus”作为申请类型
  • 选择“来访高中生”作为学习/专业
3. 演示准备

To be eligible for courses, you must demonstrate that you are ready for college-level work. 你可以使用我们列出的任何一项措施来做到这一点 多种措施 (见招生页面的步骤3). 我们的学术顾问可以帮助你完成这一步.

4. 注册

登记为来访的高中生, 您必须与学术顾问会面以填写注册表格.

5. 支付账单和采购材料

有关学费的信息,请访问 学费 & 费用. 十大正规赌博平台大全如何设置付款计划或支付账单的更多信息可以在 商业服务的常见问题解答页面. 你可以在我们的网站上购买课本和其他材料 书店.


High school students can participate in our dual enrollment and visiting high school programs to earn college credits while in high school. The dual enrollment program is a partnership between Delaware Tech and school districts. 双招生提供了特定的课程,建立在高中的时间表. The visiting high school program is for students who want to take classes that are not currently offered through their high school dual enrollment program; they may choose to enroll in classes independently. This means the student is responsible for all steps to enroll, transportation, and 学杂费.

课程在特拉华理工大学校园或在线进行. 这是学生的责任访问他们的时间表和定期上课. 

学生可以在秋季(8 - 12月)上课。, 春季(1月至5月), 或夏季(5 - 8月), (6月至8月)学期. 这些时间表可能与你的高中时间表不同. 请注意注册和课程的开始日期,并仔细查看我们的 校历

要了解不同类型的课程,你可以浏览我们的 课程目录. 一旦你确定了你感兴趣的课程, 您可以在 注册网页 在侧边标签“搜索类”下."

学生对标准负责 学杂费.

No. According to federal guidelines, high school students are not eligible for financial aid. Students may apply for financial aid and SEED once they have graduated from high school. 然而, poor performance in classes may impact a student's future financial aid eligibility.

Instructors will provide a course syllabus that tells students exactly what is expected of them, 当作业到期时, 并解释了评分政策. 大学课程的评分标准可能与高中的评分标准不同. 字母等级将使用 大学评分制度.

高中学生可以修的学分/课程数量没有限制. 然而,你应该考虑你的时间表可以容纳的学分数量. A credit hour is the amount of credit earned for a class based upon the number of clock hours of instruction provided for a course per week. 一学时的定义是每周一学时(50分钟),持续15周. 三学分的课程通常每周上三小时. 总学分、授课时数和实验时数均列于 大学目录 遵循每个课程描述.

当用户忘记密码或密码过期时, 用户将点击登录页面上的“忘记密码”链接 MyDTCC 然后输入用户名. The user will then choose to have a password reset code sent to either their external (non-dtcc) email account or receive a text mess年龄. The user will enter the password reset code then be prompted to enter a new secure password (the p年龄 describes the standards for a secure password).

有关技术支援,请浏览 十大正规赌博平台大全.

我们希望所有的学生都能发现特拉华理工学院的课程既有趣又严谨. 然而, sometimes students experience a scheduling conflict or become overwhelmed by the unexpected rigor and demands of taking college coursework. 如果你想退出特拉华理工学院的课程, 你必须与适当的人员沟通. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Delaware Tech counselor to withdraw from a course. Failure to withdraw from a course within the designated timeframe may result in a failing grade on the student’s transcript. Failure to withdraw from the course in the designated time frame could impact the student’s Delaware Tech GPA and can have implications for SEED and financial aid in the future. 学生应查阅学院目录以了解有关的详细信息 涉及的财务问题.

When questions or problems arise, encour年龄 students to communicate with the appropriate person. 帮助学生思考如何解决这个问题, 需要什么信息?, 以及如何提出正确的问题. 如果已经有十大正规赌博平台大全该问题的政策,请帮助查找 大学目录. Students are expected to reach out to their instructor if they don’t understand content or expectations. 在父母或咨询师的帮助下, students can transition from expecting parents/caregivers and counselors to take care of issues and become comfortable as a self-advocate.

您可以查看不同项目所需的课程和我们的 四种数学途径 在学校网站上. 你可浏览我们的 课程目录 看看提供哪些课程.要了解有关如何有资格参加某些课程的更多信息,请参阅 就业指导. 有问题可以联系学术顾问.

要了解有关如何有资格参加某些课程的更多信息,请参阅 就业指导. If using an Advanced Placement (AP) test score for placement, please review the required 分数和细节. 有问题可以联系学术顾问.

你应填妥 申请过程 成为我们学分项目的学生. 即使你是双重注册, 学术挑战, 和/或来访的高中生, 您需要完成申请, 不要忘记为大学的经济部分做计划 申请经济资助.

Delaware Tech can never guarantee the transfer of credits to another institution of higher education. Each college/university has specific policies for how many transfer credits and which courses are accepted. We have over 200 agreements connecting our programs with other institutions both in and out of 状态 as well as knowledge of students who have successfully transferred credits to institutions for which no agreement is in place. 然而, we encour年龄 students and families to work with their high school counselor and/or the college they plan to attend to discuss transfer policies and procedures. 我们已经做出了我们的 课程描述/教学大纲 available on the Delaware Tech website and are happy to provide additional information if a student/family needs it for the admissions/transfer process with another institution.